How brain rewiring boosts  IBS recovery

How brain rewiring boosts IBS recovery

Stubborn bacterial infections like h. pylori are getting harder to kill.

After taking numerous amounts of clients through a comprehensive natural protocol (which is available here) I’ve seen some interesting patterns emerge.

The people who were most successful with their eradication were the least anxious, stressed and overwhelmed.

The state of the nervous system and immune system was the determining factor in who did and did not get rid of the infection in the first round.

Watching this over and over again got me interested in studying the brain and nervous system. If I could learn skills to help people calm down and let go of their stress around healing, I knew my success rates would sky rocket.

Because I now understand the physical manifestations of attitude and thought, I know why a calm and motivated client is a successful client. What I learned is that brain rewiring is the best path to superhealer status.

Brain rewiring

I have been studying brain rewiring in two ways.

I began a hypnosis certification and I studied the Gupta program.

Both of these methods support each other and reinforce what I was already seeing in my health coaching practice.

That people’s fear, doubt, discouragement and panic about their condition can drive or worsen symptoms.

Feeling these emotions and thinking discouraging thoughts is how the people who want to heal more than anything end up sabotaging themselves.

I saw it for years, but finally I have the tools to help with this aspect of healing.

Just understanding how the mind creates physical symptoms is calming and useful. This is when people realize that they are indeed in control of their health. Which is the most empowering, self healing prophesy.

Below I’ll give you a map of how the mind can cause physical symptoms.

Understanding is power

I learned in hypnosis training is that understanding is power. You can’t not change what you don’t understand. And this blind spot could possibly be the missing piece.

When doctors told me IBS was in my head I got defensive. Like they were implying I was crazy.

But it’s not insanity. It’s just biology underlying this concept.

By the way, I don’t think IBS is just in the mind. But I do think the mind play a huge role in protocol success rates.

The inflammatory loop between the conscious and subconscious mind

We have a conscious and subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind is fascinating. It’s responsible for most of our behavior and actions. It communicates through emotions, priorities protection about all else and is in charge of many autonomic processes in the body.

The subconscious mind is in charge of activating both our nervous system and immune system.

The conscious mind is our logical mind. It makes sense of the world. Crunches the information it receives and sends its “report” (perception) to the subconscious mind so it can take protective action if needed.

If our conscious mind perceives threat it lets the subconscious mind know it’s time to fire up the protection. It will then turn on the fight or flight nervous system response and the immune system’s inflammatory response.

When we experience symptoms, it is not the pathogen or toxin that is causing the way we feel. Those symptoms are from the body’s own inflammatory response and attack against a perceived threat.

Aches, pains, fever, fatigue, brain fog, rash, skin issues, headaches, constipation, diarrhea, and even bloating can be inflammatory responses.

So this is how our fearful thought about our symptoms and conditions can turn on our body’s defensive inflammatory response.

We may think “That symptom is going to start again when I eat. Why is it happening ? I have no idea how to stop it and no one can help. I’ll live with this forever.”

That’s a clear stress signal sent to the subconscious mind, which goes into protective overdriving, signaling the body to fight. Inflammatory symptoms ensue.

How can we get out of this loop?

Now that you understand how an anxious thought or fearful perception can drive symptoms, how do we interrupt this self sabotaging loop?

Likely your mind has gone done this fearful neural pathway before. This is a familiar and well-worn path that’s so automatic, you may not even know it’s happening.

There are many ways to interrupt this fear-based loop and create new, positive pathways that help the subconscious mind feel safe and secure.

The Gupta Method offers a 7-step process for retraining the brain so it can choose to travel down the safer pathway instead of the danger-filled one.

Like building muscles at the gym, these exercises need to be done regularly to create a preferred new pathway.

It works if you can do it consistently, just like building muscles works.

It doesn’t work when you don’t do it. The practice is repetitive and monotonous, so it takes discipline to do. And if people lack faith that it will work, this alone can render it useless.

This work not because it’s magi or woo woo. It is based on the science of the brain. And the concept of nueroplasticty, the ability of the brain to change.

The specific techniques to work with mind based in movement, visualization, metaphor, repetition and compassion.

But it is not easy. Change never is.

And the focus of the program is to change the brain’s perception of the body.

If you are plagues by negativity, anxiety about your body/symptoms/ future or feelings of defeat and fear, .they need to be addressed to successfully recover.

That is because a body in a constantly inflamed state, won’t have the resources to fight actual threats, like h. pylori or SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth).

How hypnosis helps

While the Gupta program is supportive, educational and highly effective, it is not individualized.

Many people suffer from anxiety, fear, hopelessness and depression due to personal traumas, shocks or stress they experienced.

That experience caused the conscious and subconscious mind to form a certain beliefs or perceptions.

And if that perception is “My body is broken and no one can help me” then your body will hold onto and manifest your story physically.

Hypnosis goes back to the significant events in your life that made you form belief that sabotage you. And reprograms that particular belief.

Some beliefs were formed in childhood and the mind still thinks you’re a helpless child. Hypnosis helps it move on.

The subconscious mind is not interested in your being happy. It only wants to keep you safe. Protection is prioritized over happiness.

Often, pain and symptoms can protect you from a perceived threat by keeping you safe at home, where you won’t suffer from greater pain and threats.

Don’t focus on physical solutions only

IBS is a marriage of body and mind.

While it is important to eat the right diet, take the right tests and do the right supplement protocol. It is also really important to set the mental and emotional stage for healing.

We do that by working with an anxious or fearful mind, thoughts, beliefs and traumas.

This is work can be uncomfortable and most people don’t want to do it.

Get really good support to make it easier to follow through. It could be the difference between getting your life back and struggling for years to come.

When your mind is filled with thoughts and fears about never getting better, your body fights an uphill battle towards health.

Many of my clients over the years suffer from doubts and fears about their condition. And have lost faith in their body and the ability of anyone to help them. It’s an awful place to be and many get stuck there.

H. pylori is the canary in the coal mine

Because H. pylori is so responsive to your mental and emotional state it is typically the reason you can’t kick it or why it keeps coming back.

This is a sign that our brain need rewiring.

The same goes for a bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine (SIBO), which is also stubborn to get rid of.

In my opinion, SIBO is exacerbated by feeling stuck in your life. Or perhaps holding onto to something or someone you can’t let go of.

Working on those feeling of stuckness, creating movement and letting go can greatly support the eradication of a stubborn SIBO case. And lift our depression and anxiety.

Our stomach is a good barometers of our emotional, mental and nervous system health. And if you haven’t make progress with traditional or alternative modalities, rewiring the brain could make all the difference.

If this calls to your intuitivion, follow your gut feeling and find out more about the Gupta program here.

And if hypnosis, moving past your limiting beliefs and getting personalized attention appeals to you, get in touch at to learn more about hypnotherapy.

angelafavheadshotAngela Privin is proof that IBS is NOT an incurable disease or a disease at all. IBS is a body out of balance. It’s an invitation for change. After solving her own IBS mystery more than a decade ago Angela trained as a health coach to help others.

Angela uses both science and intuition to help people figure out what’s out of balance in their body. She works with lab tests, dietary changes, supplementation and nervous system rebalancing. Get help rebalancing your digestive system and solving your IBS mystery here.

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