A major factor that keeps people from healing their digestive issues…… Want to heal your digestion? If so, do your actions match your intentions? The number one problem that prevents people from healing is their shame! If you […]
Recent Posts
IBS diet: Cabbage
Welcome to my new weekly blog series that highlights a different food each week. I will tell you everything you need to know about that food when it comes to digestion. The good, the bad and the gassy… To kick […]
Cure for IBS: healing success stories
Success stories to inspire your cure for IBS! When I was looking for a solution to heal my gut there were many failed attempts and little reason for hope. The doctors told me it was incurable, so my attempts were […]
How to rock your Allergy Elimination Diet
The allergy elimination diet is great way to figure out what food’s are problematic for your body. And it often more accurate and definitely cheaper than medical food allergy testing. Calling this diet the allergy elimination diet is so depressing. […]
How to reverse dairy allergies and the healthiest dairy alternatives
It’s not news that dairy causes digestive problems for so many people but there are also a lot of misconceptions about dairy. Not all dairy is created equal. And not all dairy sensitivities are forever. In this article you’ll learn […]
Sensitivity and Digestion
I have noticed that there is a high correlation between sensitive people (who are also perfectionistic) and digestive issues. When I met Caroline van Kimmenade, who runs the website The Happy Sensitive, I connected with her about the relationship between […]
Gut-friendly, allergy-free recipes!
My friend and fellow health coach, Gabriella Makstman, is an extremely talented “food artist” (the words “cook” or “gourmet chef” are too pedestrian to describe what she does). She runs a website called A Crafty Gourmet which provides free, amazing step-by-step, […]
Foods that are good for digestion
Diets that heal digestion can seem restrictive. They focus on all the foods you can’t eat.. like dairy, wheat, corn, and sugar, to name a few. The focus of this week’s blog is all the foods you CAN eat to […]
The world’s easiest digestive cleanse
No need to starve and suffer to feel better. There are gentle ways to cleanse the digestive system that won’t test your willpower and leave you hangry (hungry and angry)! Traditional cleansing methods of restricted calories and liquid diets can […]
Diet for IBS
Most people try to heal IBS with diet. While this definitely makes sense, food is not always the whole picture. Emotions play a big role in gut function. People with digestive issues have sensitive guts that are reactive to negative […]
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