Tag: GI Map

M.L. beats IBS by eradicating h. pylori

H. pylori has become my specialty because it is one of the most common infections I see in my practice. And after guiding many clients through a natural h. pylori protocol, I’ve learned that this seems to be the key […]

Foods to avoid with IBS

IBS trigger foods and IBS foods to avoid are different for everyone. Food sensitivities can be very personal, as the immune system can tag any healthy food as the enemy if there is a leaky gut. The easiest way to […]

IBS success story

Katya’s IBS Healing Success story

How to heal from IBS When I had IBS, reading about other people’s healing success stories was my mental health lifeline. Because I was trying to heal my gut with little success, it was important to know that others had […]

How retesting improves success rates for IBS

Healing your gut is hugely challenging. But understanding a few basics about gut infections and testing can make a big difference when doubt and defeat start creeping in. I’m going to explain why testing is so important, which are the […]

How to address pathogens in the right order

Both leaky gut and candida get a lot of attention as a common causes of digestive issues.  Both can be triggered by chronic stress, a poor diet and antibiotic use, and can cause symptoms like bloating, gas, inflammation, brain fog, […]