M.L. beats IBS by eradicating h. pylori

M.L. beats IBS by eradicating h. pylori

H. pylori has become my specialty because it is one of the most common infections I see in my practice. And after guiding many clients through a natural h. pylori protocol, I’ve learned that this seems to be the key infection that is responsible for many of the common IBS symptoms AND leaves the body vulnerable to bacterial overgrowth and infection, yeast overgrowth and parasites.

Because h. pylori lowers stomach acid and compromises digestion, it is a catalyst for developing food sensitivities.

How testing saved the day

I have yet another client success story to share. And I am sharing it not only to inspire hope that it is possible, but also to educate about h. pylori, IBS and SIBO (small intestinal overgrowth), using a real life example.

M.L. came to me very upset. His digestive issues were a huge disruption to his life and to his mental state.

He used the Low FODMAP diet to curb his diarrhea. Because it worked well for him. he assumed he had SIBO.

While the diet was able to alleviate the diarrhea, his other gut issues still persisted and it was disrupting his sleep.

Common symptoms with SIBO and h. pylori

The interesting thing about SIBO and h. pylori is that they can often cause the same symptoms: bloating, diarrhea or constipation, reflux/GERD, food sensitivities, anxiety and depression and gut pain.

The first thing we did with M.L. was run the GI Map, a stool test that looks at the stomach and large intestine and the SIBO breath test.

To his surprise he was clearly negative for SIBO. But positive for h. pylori and bacteria and yeast overgrowth in the large intestine. He also had poor fat digestion and was overdoing it on the olive oil. There was also some intestinal permeability to patch up.

We took him off the Low FODMAP diet, replaced his coffee with green tea and lowered his fat intake. We did a 2 month natural h. pylori protocol.

The interesting thing about this case is that M.L. had h. pylori in the past and he took a course of antibiotics to clear it.

It returned to cause problems again, but this time the h. pylori tests at his doctor’s office came back negative. False negatives are very common with h. pylori because it is one of the harder infections to test for due to biofilm and uneven shedding.

GI Map to the rescue

The GI Map is the best test for h. pylori because it uses DNA technology to spot it and also leaves other clues that it is there. I go over this in depth in the h. pylori rescue guide I wrote to help people with their recovery when they can’t afford to work with me.

In this guide I include the detailed protocol that I used with Ramses, some h. pylori eradicating recipes and a list of foods to avoid and include with h.pylori.

After the h. pylori protocol he returned to his old self and was incredibly grateful to return back to work without health struggles and doing his favorite hobbies.

In his own words, M.L. summarizes his experience below.

If you suspect you have an issue with h. pylori or SIBO or any other overgrowth or infection, test yourself instead of guessing.

Pinpointing the actual problem can speed up progress. I offer both the GI Map and the SIBO test to clients. You can learn more about it here.

In his own words:

Early this year, I was suffering a severe case of abdominal pain related to IBS. I suspected my symptoms could be related to SIBO. The pain would wake me up every morning at 3 am, level 3 as I called it, enough to create a constant discomfort with room for anxiety as my mind was only focusing on how my gut was doing with no room for any other thought.

The discomfort had me go to the bathroom multiple times a day. I found Angela via google search and decided to give her treatment a try. After a couple appointments to scope the work plan, I got tested for SIBO and GI-Map testing to figure out what possible bacteria was causing the problem.

After the results and treatment, I was able to notice a 180 degree difference in my health. The pain went away and I no longer needed to be on the low fobmap diet which I had been for almost a year and my visits to the bathroom became normal.

Angela is a nutritionist with a heart of a healer, she loves what she does and does it because she loves to help people.  I highly recommend her services, it is worth the cost as in my experience nothing else I had tried before worked, including GI track specialists and conventional doctors.

angelafavheadshotAngela Privin is proof that IBS is NOT an incurable disease or a disease at all. IBS is a body out of balance. It’s an invitation for change. After solving her own IBS mystery more than a decade ago Angela trained as a health coach to help others.

Angela uses both science and intuition to help people figure out what’s out of balance in their body. She works with lab tests, dietary changes, supplementation and nervous system rebalancing. Get help rebalancing your digestive system and solving your IBS mystery here.

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